Why Is It Called “Invisible Safety Grille”?

Our grille are made of premium grade of 316 stainless steel material coated with Teflon and Nylon technology membrane. Known as "safety protection nets" in the balcony or windows.


Unblocked View

Each grille as thin as 2.0mm which cannot be seen 15-20metres away, that not affect the appearance of the home. This is why we called it invisible grille.

Prevent Human & Small Pets From Falling 

This product can prot ect an d  preve nt your children and pets a t hom e f ro m f al l ing out of the balc ony/ window and keep them safe. The specification of minimal 3cm gap among each grille, are effectively prevent pigeons flying into your balcony or air-cond compressor for nesting & leaving excrement.


Easy Fire Escape

When there is a danger happen, it can be quickly dismantled in a few seconds without hindering escape. It can also be combined with the optional built-in alarm system to prevent theft


Sustain And Uphold Building Appearance

Due to the invisible characteristics of invisible grille, it doesn’t spoil the design of the building. Therefore, most of the building management committees will allow the installation of invisible grille.

Feb 15,2023